Wednesday 19 December 2012

Megan Fox says raising new son with husband too hard, hires a nurse

Megan Fox is the latest celebrity whose body has bounced back from a pregnancy like nothing ever happened.
Just two months after giving birth to her first child, son Noah, Fox, 26, went on 'The Tonight Show' Monday looking fabulous, and told host Jay Leno her harrowing story of going into labor and begging the security guard at the hospital for an epidural on her arrival.
Fox -- who said she gained only 23 lbs. during her pregnancy -- also recently admitted she and husband Brian Austin Green have enlisted some help in the baby raising department.
"Having an infant is difficult. It's a lot of work and I didn't hire any help because I overestimated my own abilities," she told the Daily Mirror. 'I had no idea how difficult babies could be, so Brian and I were exhausted."
That's when Fox decided that two parents raising one child was more than she bargained for.
"I said to Brian, 'We have to get a night nurse or we're going to get a divorce because someone's got to sleep in this house or we're going to kill each other,'" Fox said.
How DO people do it?
By: foxnews

Man tries to drown wife in dog's water bowl, police say


An Orange City woman nearly drowned when her infuriated husband held her face down in their dog's water bowl after an argument over a frozen pizza, police said.
As old rock and rollers belted out tunes on TV during a benefit concert Wednesday night, 59-year-old Debra Watson thought she was going to die, Orange City police said.
As a result, her husband, Richard Watson, is sitting in the Volusia County Branch Jail, charged with attempted murder and battery.
The episode is the second time this week in Volusia County an argument about food ended in injury or death.
It all started just before 10 p.m. at the Watson's residence on Volusia Avenue, police said, when Debra Watson asked Richard Watson to watch the much-hailed “12-12-12 Concert” with her on TV. Richard Watson was watching TV in another room of the house and once his program was over, he sat down with his wife to watch her show, an arrest report shows.
When Debra Watson brought out a frozen pizza that had been cooking in the oven, though, things got heated, an arrest report shows.
Complaining that the pizza crust was “raw,” Richard Watson flung his dinner plate into the front door, police said. Debra Watson followed suit, throwing her own plate on the floor, the arrest report states.
That prompted Richard Watson to tackle his wife, grab her head and shove her face into the family dog's water bowl, police said. The bowl is 5 inches across and had about 3 inches of water in it, police said.
“She felt her life was going to end,” said Orange City Cmdr. Jason Sampsell.
Debra Watson told police that while her husband was holding her head down in the water, she heard him say, “I'm going to kill you . . .,” the report states.
She said she had no idea whether her husband was keeping her head down with his hand or whether he had his knee on her head, the report shows.
Somehow, Debra Watson broke free. But then she found herself up against a corner of the living room near the front door as Richard Watson tried to strangle her, police said.
When officers arrived at the house, Richard Watson told them he had only held his wife in order to prevent her from breaking any more dishes. He said he never hit her and that she “gets mad for no reason,” the report states.
Neighbors told police that the row had been going on for at least an hour before officers arrived and that they could hear things breaking inside the apartment.
In a brief telephone interview Thursday, Debra Watson said she had no idea what the fight was about and blamed the underdone pizza on her husband, saying he was the one who cooked it. She didn't want to talk about the attack.
Earlier this week, police say a 55-year-old Holly Hill man shot his roommate to death after the pair argued about how to cook pork chops. The shooter, Thomas Hahn, is also at the Branch Jail, charged with second-degree murder.

NASA: A Penny For Your Thoughts

With the not-so-pending-(or-is-it?)-end-of-the-world coming up on Friday, along with the triumph that is the Mars Curiosity Rover, it’s not too far-fetched to say that the final frontier has regained a small spot in the public eye.

John Zeller would agree, and is the reason why he started the Penny4NASA campaign.  The mission is to get the US Government to allot more spending for NASA by increasing it’s funding from .48% of the budget to a full 1%.
When you break it down, they’re simply asking the Government to give NASA 1 penny of the tax dollar instead of the .48 of a penny they are already receiving.  They’re basically the kid in the convenience store asking their “Pa” for a little extra so they can get the Twix bar instead of the measly Almond Joys. Dating back to the early 1900′s, candy hasn’t averaged less than 2 cents. So really, Penny4NASA will settle for Dots.
The Mars Curiosity Rover, The Hubble Telescope, the now-retired Shuttle Programs, all of it was paid for on nearly HALF a penny of your tax dollar. The opportunities and possibilities that NASA could do with a FULL penny get science nerds everywhere (including this one) to go supernova in their space diapers.
Zeller and Co. claim that not only will NASA be able to do cool stuff in space with a penny, but the effect of a more endowed NASA will be beneficial to the future of the country:
…doing so will provide America with a stronger economy and new careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.”
In the big picture, NASA’s annual funding from the government is $7 Billion. The move to a penny would increase the funding to $14 Billion.
When you look at the numbers that way, most probably take a step back and figure that much money could be better used elsewhere. Which is a reasonable reaction. Until you learn that the funding for the “war” in Afghanistan is $10 Billion A MONTH.
There are also lots of other statistical comparisons to show just how little NASA gets compared to other “ventures” the government funds, but it’s much more fun to hear Niel Degrasse Tyson say them over a moving score and fantastic images:

Cover Music

The Most Awesome Music Cover Somebody that i used to know by gotye


Covered by: walkofftheearth

Late Night Tech Use Damages Your Sleep Cycle

It’s remarkably easy to fall into the trap of using your phone or ipod to get those last minute Facebook statuses or pop Netflix on to help you fall asleep. The routine is fairly normal, since 95% of people say that they browse the web, text, or watch TV just before going to sleep and drifting off into lala land.
However, all that time spent with your tech does a lot more than just distract you. It can make it very difficult for you to fully fall asleep when you finally close your eyes. According to the info-graphic below, your tech is damaging your sleep cycle.

Fact About World

Thai police made unclear report whether drug suspects were Hmong or Mien.


Thai authorities announced the arrest of a mother and a son involving illegal drug, but the staff made an unclear report whether the suspects were Hmong tribe or Mien tribe. 

However, many news agencies in Thailand such as Post Today, Daily News, Manager, Naewna, and Nancity reported that the suspects were Hmong tribe. But, National Channel, another news agency in Thailand, reported that the suspects were Mien tribe. These news agencies have nationwide audiences, mainly Thai people. 

According to cultures, the Hmong people have 18 clan surnames while Mien people have 12 clan surnames. Both Hmong and Mien seem to have some similar surnames included Vang, Lee, and Chang. But the suspects’ surname in this case is Fan (แซ่ฟ่าน), while the Hmong also has one surname which is Fang (แซ่ฟ้า); but these surnames are writing and pronouncing different both in Thai and English languages. 

On Saturday Nov. 10, Thai police in Nan province announced the arrest of a mother and a son seized 1 kilogram (about 2 lb) of raw opium. The suspects were Mrs. Fameiam Fan, 40 year old, (นางฟามเอี่ยมแซ่ฟ่าน) and her 19 year old son, Mr. Kownam Fan (นายก้าวน้ามแซ่ฟ่าน). The report said that they both were Hmong tribe. 

According to the authority’s report, police set up a checkpoint at Ban Sakorn in Song Khwae district where the couple ride a motorcycle past by and showed a dubious when they saw police. The couple turned their motor back into the village instead. Police followed and signaled them to stop for searching. 

The suspects threw a bag on the street. When police opened it, they found out the raw opium hidden in the bag. This raw opium were wrapped in white paper and bound into five balls weighing 1 kilogram, along with one set of opium scales and one mobile phone.

After the arrest, the couple pleaded guilty to the raw opium is their own. They said that they purchased the raw opium from Mrs. Saijoe (unknown last name), from Ban Pha Tang, Chiang Rai province. The couple also said they bought it for 30 thousands baht, which value of about $1,000 dollars.

The suspects planed to deliver this raw opium to a man name Mr. Kaejoy (unknown last name) at Ban Nam Ki in Tha Wang Pha district, Nan province.

Both the mother and son were sending to the police station in Song Khwae district for reporting. They were charged of narcotics type 5 (raw opium) possessions for sale and distribution illegal drugs and faced a prosecution under the law.

However, as far as this article released in Thailand, it’s nationwide known that the suspects were Hmong, not Mien. 

Five Nan policemen suspended from duty for drug arrest

BANGKOK, Dec 15--- Five police officers in the northern province of Nan have been suspended from the force, pending investigation, after they were detained for allegedly smuggling one million methamphetamine pills.

According to Saturday’s press briefing chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yubumrung, the five policemen were Pol Lt Col Thammanoon Nakbua, Pol Sub Lt Jittipong Sochai, Pol Snr Sgt Maj Atthapol Khamsaen, Pol Snr Sgt Maj Sakkapong Chiangnoon and Pol Snr Sgt Maj Nonthawat Pansa.

A committee was set up for further investigation.
Apart from the five police, three other detainees were Wichan Laomee, Benjaporn Tiengkinaree and Udomsak Sae-tern.

The arrests took place on Thursday followed a tip-off that there would be drug smuggling from the northern region in order to deliver the drugs to customers in Bangkok and nearby areas.

The anti-narcotics police then cordoned off a parking lot in a hotel in the central province of Ayutthaya and conducted a search of suspicious vehicles. After the search, the police found one million meth pills contained in a fertiliser bag were hidden in a police patrol vehicle.
At the scene, the police also seized five guns, ammunition and 12 mobile phones.

According to the initial investigation, Pol Sub Lt Jittipong persuaded four other fellow police officers to join the drug smuggling. The five were hired for Bt2 million to deliver drugs to customers in Bangkok and nearby areas.